A guide to help you select the most suitable microphone for your next multilingual event.
Depending on the event type –online, hybrid, or on-site– the speaker or the event organizer will be in charge of choosing the microphone.
Having the correct equipment is key to ensuring the success of your meeting so we've put together a summary of the event types and the recommended microphone for each of them:
Online meeting:

For videoconference-type of meetings the recommended microphone is a USB plug-
in headset with noise cancellation features (check out these Tips to help you choose the right headset)
If you prefer an independent tabletop microphone. Here are some recommended models:
If you are planning to use a tabletop microphone, try to avoid speaking in a corner and make sure it is placed at an appropriate distance. Test it using our test page to find out the best position.
Onsite/hybrid meetings:
For boardroom, business meetings, u-shape, classroom style or any that require high levels of audience participation, a digital conference system that provides a microphone for each seat is recommended.
Big stage and an audience just listening
For any event type where there is a speaker on a stage and the audience just listening, the mics on the stage should be handheld, lapel (lavalier) or podium mics.

Ask to be introduced to one of our AV partners for assistance in your next on-site event.