Tips to help you deal with poor internet connection

Interprefy's RAL (Restart All Lines) button disconnects and reconnects users within approx. 2 seconds.

Bad weather, power outages and fluctuation in WiFi speed can lead to situations we all know too well: "I can't hear you" or "your video has frozen" - just to name a few.

Prevention: Ethernet cable connection

Wi-Fi is prone to interferences, hence we always recommend to connect computers to the internet via ethernet cable before joining an important session. This will ultimately lead to better internet performance and a reduced threat of sudden connectivity issues.

💡 Test your internet connection speed

Click here to measure your internet connection speed.

  • Recommended speed: 10 Mbps download, 4 Mbps upload or higher
  • Ping value: below 50
  • Jitter value: below 15


  • RAL (Restart All Lines) - In case of a bad internet connection during a session, Interprefy Connect and Connect Pro offer a built-in RAL (Restart All Lines) button for quick trouble-shooting:

ral button

    • By clicking this button, the user will temporarily be disconnected and automatically reconnected to the session within approximately 2 seconds. 
  • Re-loading browser - If the issue persists, re-loading the internet browser may be required.
  • Contact remote support - To request technical support, users can open the moderator chat, located next to the private chat in the bottom right corner of the default meeting interface.

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