How far in advance should I contact you to organize my event with RSI?

Interprefy provides real-time interpreting services and hassle-free management that make events accessible and easy.

We are a complete solutions provider so, the earlier notice we get, the better. This way we can:

  • secure the best match of interpreters for your specific event needs
  • secure availability of Interprefy's project managers
  • secure a remote support team
  • avoid rush fees

Typically, the process that will be followed to organise your multilingual event is as follows:

  1. Talk to sales
  2. Receive a demo and proposal
  3. Quote acceptance
  4. Event preparation and execution

Ideally, 14 days is what we need to provide the best RSI service for your event after we've sent you the proposal. However, it is still possible for us to conduct events with less notice period, provided there is availability.