Interprefy Media Services can provide you different types of recordings of your events.
When requested prior to the event, we can record your meeting or event, including the interpretation and captions. These are the different types of recordings we can provide you with:
- LIVE recordings: This is the most basic offering we provide, for both meetings with one or more languages on the floor. When requesting a live recording you will get:
- Unedited recordings, with the content as it was on the live event.
- Floor recording is delivered as MP4 file.
- Language recordings are delivered as MP3 files, one for each language.
- Basic transcripts (without timestamps) are offered if captions were activated in the event.
- None of the files are edited in any way, neither technically (cuts, synchronisation, burning in, etc.) nor for content (correcting mistakes, punctuation, etc.).
- ENHANCED Recordings: This is the intermediate mid-tier offering that offers basic technical editing of meeting. It includes delivery options such as:
For meetings with a single language on the floor:
- Language recordings delivered as MP4 (i.e. overlaid on the floor video), one file per language.
- Available with captions, if captions were activated on the event, either burned into video recordings or as separate .srt files.
- Basic technical editing is done to synchronise the captions loosely to the correct part of the video (start and end will be the same).
For meetings with multiple languages on the floor:
- Floor recording (audio in multiple languages) delivered as MP4 File.
- Language recordings either delivered asMP4 (i.e. overlaid on the floor video) or as MP3 (audio only), one file for each language.
- Available with captions, if captions were activated on the event.
- Basic technical editing is done to synchronise the captions loosely to the correct part of the video (start and end will be the same).
- Source language captions to be corrected by linguists.
- Machine translated subtitles to be corrected by linguists.
- Subtitles are fully synchronised to the video, re-editing content if needed to match video length requirements.
- AI voiceovers are generated, re-editing content if need be to match speed requirements.