Interprefy's AI speech translation solution can be used to allow speakers to understand each other in meetings and conferences where 2 or more languages are spoken.
A multilingual meeting is where speakers need to share information with each other in real time, yet talk in different languages. For example, Japanese speakers wishing to talk with English speakers, in a structured discussion, each using their own language.
Interprefy can provide AI speech translation in such meetings in the cases where 2 or more languages are spoken. This allows the speakers to speak in their preferred language and understand each other thanks to Interprefy's audio translation powered by AI.
Best practices for a successful multilingual meetings using AI speech translation
- Speak at an even pace, and take a breath between sentences
- Ensure orderly turn-taking among speakers
- Only one speaker at a time
- It is helpful for speakers to provide a cue, a signal, when they're finished
- Speaker should use good quality microphones and not the units built into their device
- Speaker mustn't change language during their speech/event.
Event types that suit Interprefy's AI speech translation
Interprefy's AI speech translation can be used in multilingual meetings, presentations, and other events with one or more languages on the floor. To be successful however its use should be restricted to the kinds of events for which it is most suitable.
The event types for which it works well:
- Presentation-style events, where one speaker at a time addresses the audience
- Structured meetings in which speakers take ordered turns to talk
Those for which it does not work well:
- Discussions where the person who is speaking changes quickly or where speakers overlap
- Unstructured meetings and casual conversations where it’s not possible to anticipate who will speak next
Want to find out more about how Interprefy AI speech translation works in multilingual meetings? Talk to us.